
    In 1986  Michael worked for  Julia de Saumerez of Shrubland Hall Health Clinic. She encouraged him to go and train with a good friend of hers. Michael trained in 1987 with Alan Herdman, who introduced Pilates into the UK in the early 70’s.  
I moved into my new premises at the Ipswich And Suffolk ClubI moved into my new premises at the Ipswich And Suffolk I moved into my new premises at the Ipswich And I moved into my new premises at the Ipswich I moved into my new premises at the I moved into my new premises at I moved into my new premises I moved into my new I moved into my I moved into I moved Michael worked at Shrubland Hall Health Clinic until it closed in April 2006 when he was invited to join the Gilmour Piper practice in Ipswich. As of the 24th June 2024 I moved to the Ipswich and Suffolk Club
Joseph Pilates who devised the technique, himself trained in various forms of exercise such as martial arts gymnastics and self defence. The movements Joseph was actually trained in were brought together to form a series of movements for people for rehabilitation, at the end of the First World War Joseph was repatriated to America, his first choice .From there he developed his skills that he developed within the prisoner of war camp which had been so successful  working with people with remedial problems with the help of his wife Clara. It was whilst  in New York City he was originally contacted by the New York Ballet to come up with a series of movements that could bring dancers back to full fitness after being injured and the studio based Pilates is actually part of the original syllabus for Pilates. Pilates takes up many forms and styles of teaching these days. Ho myself prefer to maintain the original concept to Pilates within the studio,
Pilates Studio
The Pilates studio is run from Gilmour Pipers at Fonnereau Road Ipswich .
I have been runnng the studio since 2006
keeping to small groups working on an individual basis. In the studio I work with clients from across the board with various  medical issues as well as maintaining and improving strength and flexibility.This is something I have done on a regular basis since I started at Shrublands were I was expected to deal with post-operative work as well as getting clients ready for competitions and performances, working with athletes getting ready for the Olympics. I have  also been working with Ipsiwch town football players since 1995.

studio Class

Studio classes take the form of small groups of people with upto 4 to 5 in a class, exercising on individual basis. classes cost £20 per sessions £95 block of 5 classes £190 block of 10 classes £60 1 to 1 sessions

Mat classes

Mat classes are taken through out Ipswich and during the summer classes are taken in the local Parks Mat Classes Holywell Tuesday 6.30pm by the Orangery, from September the classes moved in to see MARGARET Catchpole Bowling Green clubhouse. Christchurch park Monday 5.45 on the croquet lawn. The Monday class moves into Ipswich prep school during term time. £8 per session


Zoom classes are run through out the day during the week. Clients come from around the world to suit their own times and days Zoom classes Group classes are held on a Wednesday morning 10 o'clock and Friday 11:15 am £8 per session

  • 10 Fonnereau Road, Ipswich, England, United Kingdom
  • IP13JP
Pilates at the Ipswich and Suffolk Club
As from the 24th of June 2024 I will be running my classes from the Ipswich And Suffolk Club my studio work will be based there for the foreseeable future and moving for personal reasons after 20 happy years at Gilmour Pipers osteopath physiotherapist I felt it was a time for me to move and branch out on my own.